Design and Manufacture of Filters for Wind Turbines and Hydroelectric Plants
Delivering filtration solutions to the renewables sector, to organisations involved in Hydroelectric production, Hydrogen fuel and Wind Turbine electricity generation.
End to End Design and Manufacturing
Pallman have embarked itself to become a renowned filtration brand on the global renewable energy stage, in the research, innovation, design, development, and manufacture of industrial filters used in power generation applications. Stretching across wind, hydro and hydrogen production, Pallman takes control of filter manufacturing for vital equipment. Our end-to-end process ensures the supply of premium quality filters and superior performance.

Wind Turbine Filters
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Hydroelectric Filters
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Hydrogen Filters
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Reputation for Excellence
Filters manufactured by Pallman are designed to deliver in renewables production environments that are often remote, and subject to pollutants such as dust, wear particles, emissions. A reputation has been earned for exceptional service in design and manufacture of industrial filters, that deliver maximum efficiency, reliability, to minimise negative impacts on machinery performance, and renewables processes.
Filtration Innovation and Bespoke Applications
Organisations choose Pallman to develop best of breed filtration solutions in bespoke applications. Reliable maintenance of production machinery ensures consistent energy output whilst extending the life of production equipment. Extensive experience of developing filters that perform in tough climates and harsh environments allows our engineers to provide optimised filter performance for the most demanding of power generation applications.
The Process

Research and Development
Scrutinise filter requirements and application to identify specifications, media, metals, seals, packaging.

Filter Manufacturing
Specialist manufacturing facilities construct filter media, casings, assemble, label and package.

Design and Testing
Design with specialist CAD software, building models, filter prototypes, testing, documenting.

Quality Control
Implement checks, tests, and validation routines, conduct benchmarking, align to ISO standards.